Picture Gallery

Bill Day with statue of his Great Uncle Hugo Throssell VC in Northam WA in August 2015.


above: Clancy (?) and Norman Horace lead the 1972 May Day March in Darwin.
Right: Bill Day on a heritage survey in the Pilbara in June 2010.
Below: Bobby Secretary in June 1973 nails up a sign to warn developers that the subdivision is an Aboriginal land Claim.
Bill Day with daughter Kim at national Aborigines Day in Darwin in July 1972

Bill Day at his Kulaluk camp in the 1980s
Below: Growing vegetables in Maylands, W.A. in October 2020

Above: Bill Day at Fish Camp during his PhD research field work in Darwin in 1997.
Below: Bill Day celebrates his 80th birthday at New Norcia, 11-11-2020 in front of the Nyungar 6 seasons mural.
Below: 1983 in his sleeping quarters at his camp on the Kulaluk land won in the land rights struggle.